Zinnige Zorg - Systematic Analysis of neoplasms

The National Health Care Institute published this report within the context of a systematic examination of the insured package.1 For this report, the investigation started with a systematic analysis of the ICD-10 domain 'Neoplasms' (C00-D48). The analysis focuses specifically on after-care in relation to the five most prevalent malignant diseases. The point of departure of every investigation is the perspective of the patient and the care he or she needs.

In-depth topics

There are vife topics that we want to examine in more detail because the systematic analysis gave rise to the suspicion that room exists for improving the appropriate use of care and possibly also for avoiding unnecessary costs. Examination during the in-depth phase should prove whether this is actually the case.
The selected topics are:

  1. Appropriate after-control of people treated for breast cancer
  2. Appropriate care in the final life-phase of people with lung cancer or intestinal cancer
  3. Appropriate use of – and access to – (expensive) oncolytics
  4. Appropriate after-control of people with skin cancer
  5. Appropriate use of expensive medicines on people with castration-resistant refractory prostate cancer

Zinnige Zorg (Appropriate Care)

The motto of the National Health Care Institute is "Taking care of good health care: no more and no less than necessary". Every citizen must be able to count on receiving good health care. No more and no less than is necessary, while also avoiding unnecessary costs.
As a public organisation, the National Health Care Institute assesses health care systematically. We assess whether diagnostics and (therapeutic) interventions are being deployed in a patient-oriented, effective and cost-effective manner. We do these analysis within the framework of the 'Zinnige Zorg' (Appropriate Care) programme of the National Health Care Institute.

This report is a summary of recommendations by the National Health Care Institute. The original text is in Dutch.