Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board (WAR) is an integral assessment committee, providing scientific advice on package management tasks and quality. In addition, there are separate working committees for specific areas. The WAR consists of various experts, including doctors, scientists, researchers and policy advisers within the healthcare sector. The chair of the WAR is Prof. M.A. (Manuela) Joore. The secretary is Dr L. (Lonneke) Timmers, an advisor to the National Health Care Institute.

About the Scientific Advisory Board

Patrick Bossuyt, former chair of the Scientific Advisory Board (WAR):

"The Scientific Advisory Council is a board with a broad composition: it includes professionals from every corner of science – such as clinicians, health economists and methodologists. They then work in various committees. There are various committees. One committee looks at drugs, a second looks at treatments and another looks at long-term care.

After the National Health Care Institute summarises the scientific research, the report is submitted to the Scientific Advisory Council with various questions. Those requests for advice are about the interpretation of the research and whether specific shortcomings of the research are serious or less serious. They also address the question of whether the conclusions the National Health Care Institute wants to draw can be supported by the results of scientific research."