Infographic - What is appropriate care?
‘Appropriate care’ is an approach for ensuring that everyone will be able to get good care in the future too. This is care that works, in which patient and healthcare provider make the decisions together. This means a change in the way we think about care, focusing less on illness and treatment and more on a commitment to health and what a person can do.
Appropriate care: it’s how we’re keeping care healthy
Care is under pressure
More and more care needed
Fewer and fewer healthcare professionals
More and more expensive medicines
Higher healthcare costs
Everyone has to pay more
It will soon be impossible to provide more care for all
Choices need to be made
Appropriate care offers a solution
Appropriate care works... a reasonable price...
...with joint decision-making by care provider and patient...
…close to the patient... being more about health, less about illness
Working together on appropriate care
In consultation with society at large
Patients, healthcare sector parties and governmental authorities make agreements about organising appropriate care...
...working and networking together...
...and sharing successful projects
The government reimburses appropriate care
The healthcare professionals provide appropriate care
The healthcare insurers buy in appropriate care
The patients accept appropriate care
Outcomes of appropriate care
Healthcare costs rise less
More done to promote health and prevent illness
Patients get better care and care that suits them
There are no unnecessary examinations of patients
Promising treatments and medicines remain accessible
Less pressure on the healthcare professionals